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“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.” By Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc

End-User Computing

Service Catalog

This section describes the most relevant services associated with the acquisition, administration, and control of end-user devices within a Corporate or Business environment.

It includes recommendations as well as assistance during the acquisition and configuration stage of end-user business equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, virtual desktops (VDI, Thin Clients, etc.), mobile devices, printers, among others.

It covers the definition and implementation of policies for the use of end-user equipment, including the concept (BYOD – Bring your own device).

Consideration of the following relevant aspects associated with end-user teams:

  • Reliability: Definition and implementation of data protection and control mechanisms, among other activities.
  • Security: Definition of policies and instrumentation of physical security mechanisms, protection against threats, encryption, access control, classification of information, among others.